Project Description
Chlorhexidine Gluconate BP0.5% w/v
Isopropyl Alcohol BP 70% w/w
Chlorhexidine is a very potent, cationic chemoprophylactic agent. It has a broad spectrum action, and is more effective against gm+ve than gm-ve bacteria. It acts by binding to negatively charged bacterial cell wall thereby disrupting membrane integrity and affecting its functions. In high concentrations, chlorhexidine is bactericidal.
Mechanism of Action
- This preparation contains Chlorhexidine Gluconate and Isopropyl Alcohol Solution
- Chlorhexidine Gluconate is an antiseptic effective against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, some other fungi and viruses
- Chlorhexidine gluconate is most active at neutral or alkaline conditions. Its activity is reduced by the presence of blood or body fluids
- It binds strongly to skin, mucosa and other tissue and is therefore poorly absorbed.
- It is bacteriostatic at low concentrations whilst at higher concentrations their activity is rapidly bactericidal
- They are both active against dermatophytic fungi (including the yeast C. Albicans) and enveloped viruses such as HIV
HANDISOL is an antimicrobial preparation for:
- Pre-operative surgical hand disinfection.
- Antiseptic hand washing on the ward.
- Pre-operative and post operative skin antisepsis for patients undergoing elective surgery.
- Rapid Skin cleansing solution for hand disinfection prior to surgery & for routine use in the ward to reduce risk of cross-infection.
Dosage and administration
For external use only
Hand disinfection for routine use: Apply 3-5 ml solution on both hands up to wrist entirely & wait for drying completely.
Hand disinfection prior to surgery: Apply 5 ml solution on both hands up to elbow entirely & wait for drying completely.
Skin disinfection prior to general treatment/operation: Apply 3-5 ml solution on wound & surroundings directly or with cotton.
HANDISOL preparation is contraindicated for patients who have previously shown a hypersensitivity reaction to chlorhexidine. However, such reactions are extremely rare.
Side effects
Irritative skin reactions to chlorhexidine preparations can occasionally occur. Generalised allergic reactions to chlorhexidine have also been reported but are extremely rare.
- Avoid contact with brain, meninges, middle ear
- Avoid contact with the eyes
- This preparation is for external use only. Avoid use in body cavities.
- This medicine contains flammable alcohol. Avoid naked flames and lighted objects, such as gas and electric fires and lit cigarettes and the use of artificial heat, e.g hairdryers.
Accidental Ingestion
Carry out a stomach lavage with milk, egg white, gelatin or mild soap water.
Store between 150c – 250c. Keep out of reach of children.
Pack Size
Available in 250 ml & 50 ml HDPE Container